Eating is an act that accompanies us throughout our lives.
Thanks to it we obtain the necessary nutrients to meet our needs and achieve proper physical and emotional development. Our school promotes a healthy, sustainable and respectful diet for the children. For instance, when the children are together seated at the same table it create a healthy ritual that they will integrate while growing up.
We promote the values of responsibility and autonomy.
The kindergarten children have a snack at 10:30 a.m. and all eat the same food. In these lunches, children are involved in age appropriate tasks that promote the values of responsibility and autonomy.
Primary students bring a snack and lunch from home following the instructions set by the Teaching Staff at the beginning of the year. Some examples of the foods that can form these intakes are: vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruit, nuts, legumes, tubers, eggs… Prioritizing unprocessed or minimally processed foods with a more interesting nutritional value than processed or ultraprocessed foods such as pastries, cookies, juices, jams, sugar, chocolate, sugary breakfast cereals, sugary dairy products, fast food, etc.