What is the curriculum in a Waldorf school?
Waldorf education approaches all aspects of teaching in a unique and comprehensive way. The curriculum is designed to meet the various stages of child development. Waldorf teachers are dedicated to creating a true enthusiasm for inner learning, which is essential to educational success. Preschool and kindergarten children learn primarily through imitation and imagination. The goal of kindergarten is to develop a child’s sense of wonder and respect for all living things. This creates an academic zeal that they follow in the early grades. Preschool and kindergarten activities are:
- storytelling, puppetry, creative games, etc.
- singing, eurythmy(movement)
- games and fingerplays (motor skills)
- painting, drawing, modeling
- cooking and baking
- nature walks
- foreign languages and holidays
The primary and secondary activities are accompanied for eight years by the same teacher and the curriculum includes:
- world literature, myths and legends
- history in a chronological and inclusive manner of the great civilizations of the world.
- sciences such as geography, astronomy, meteorology, physics, and biology.
- mathematics(arithmetic, algebra and geometry)
- foreign languages, physical education, gardening
- arts (such as music, painting, sculpture, theater, eurythmy, drawing)
- manual works such as weaving and carpentry.